

Rights Respecting


Lunch time and Playground Charters

The children and staff of Drumlins Integrated Primary School see the importance of rights and responsibility and understand that they are central to making our school a fun and enjoyable place to learn and grow.  A rights respecting school teaches children and young people that they have rights under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. From this starting point they also learn their responsibility to respect others rights in all relationships in the community. The ethos created demonstrates to children the inclusiveness of a rights-respecting school and paves the way to a more positive life of the community. This in turn helps them to learn how to formulate, express and listen to opinions, and helps to raise their understanding and appreciation of the rights of others as well as themselves. This new award scheme promotes the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child as the basis for enhancing teaching, learning, ethos, attitudes and behaviour.