

Primary 3

Mrs Kelly and Mrs Davey are the teachers in P3 and  is the classroom assistant is Miss Ferguson/ Mrs Walsh. It is a very busy, active classroom where the children take part in a range of different learning experiences, including group work, individual work and paired activities. The children are encouraged to become more independent in their learning and to develop a more positive outlook on their ability and potential. Early intervention is key at this stage where children are identified with a certain need and they have access to a range of support. We take great pride in displaying our work. Below is a slideshow of some of our displays.


Numeracy in P3 is based largely on pupil-based investigations, using concrete materials with numbers to 100 and beyond. It is pupil led and helps each pupil explore patterns, connections and a range of mental strategies, always focusing on language, problem solving and application of knowledge. We explore numbers to 100, examining number names, properties, adding and subtracting, rounding and estimating. We work with money to £5, use a clock to read o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We examine simple 2D and 3D shapes and use Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams to sort a range of material. We aim to do all this while developing our mental strategies, using this knowledge to solve real life problems and use these skills connected to our topic work.


Literacy and Using Communication is a key learning area with P3. It is broken down into the following areas:

Reading - This is mainly carried out through Guided Reading and Accelerated Reading. Pupils are streamed into reading groups based on ability. They read with a range of adults and this includes reading out loud, tasks on books and oral questions. If pupils  are capable they take part in the Accelerated Reading scheme which involves reading banded books and answering appropriate questions.

Writing - Pupils are exposed to a range of written genres including reports, instructional and narrative. They take part in modelled, guided and independent writing activities pitched at their own level. In P3 we also begin to write using a cursive text.

Phonics/spellings - Pupils take part in weekly phonic and spelling lessons which aim to expose them to spelling patterns,digraphs and irregular high frequency words. The pupils are tested on these weekly.

Grammar and Punctuation - Pupils are encouraged to write sentences with increasing competency and ability. During the year we explore nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We also look at past, present and future text, both regular and irregular. The pupils are also exposed to a range of punctuation and they are encouraged to apply this knowledge to all written work including proof reading. 


ICT is an important learning tool within P3. We aim to build on the fantastic work carried out in P1 and P2. We take a two strand approach focusing on developing the necessary skills needed to access the digital environment and also the application of these skills using a task based approach. ICT permeates everything that happens inside the classroom through the use of our Interactive Digital Whiteboard, the use of a visualiser, class based computers, iPads and a slot in the ICT suite. This is giving our pupils every opportunity to develop in this area. 

World Around Us

World Around Us (WAU) encompasses History, Geography and Science under a topic based approach. This topic-based approach permeates through other learning areas including literacy, numeracy and ICT. These topics in P3 include:

Famous Explorers


Christmas Around the World



Activity Based learning

Activity Based Learning (ABL) is a learning tool used within Key Stage 1. It aims to help the children learn through exploring a range of topics through hands on, practical methods. It involves children working in small groups and moving round a range of stations. It can involve learning from WAU, numeracy, literacy and ICT. It always begins with an introduction to each station and finishes with a plenary session which is pupil-led and gives the pupils a chance to discuss what they have learnt and what they hope to learn during the next session.

Global learning

In P3 we aim to help our pupils become more aware of their place as global citizens in a growing world. We explore issues through a range of different  topics using a range of different methods. Below is a list of some of the ways we aim to do this:

Diwali festival

Chinese New Year

Bhuddism faith