Primary 5
Welcome to P5!
This is the first year of Key Stage 2 for the children and we are very busy learning but still have time for fun throughout the year. Mrs Poots is the teacher in P5 and the classroom assistant is Mrs Gregge and Mrs Nugent.
World Around Us
We study the Tudors, India and the Ancient Egyptians in P5. We also do a mini topic on Fair Trade during Fair Trade fortnight in February. We are lucky that our classroom is right beside the ICT suite so we have lots of time to use the computers and iPads to support our learning.
We go on a number of educational, topic related trips during the year. We are whisked back to the Tudor era with a 'Crime and Punishment' theme day at the Saint Patrick's Centre, Downpatrick and we have an Egyptian day at the Ulster Museum. The children are given the opportunity to participate in a yoga course in connection with our study of India. We also are involved in a number of whole school and team building trips during the year.
We continue to focus on developing reading this year through our Accelerated Reading programme. The children are given 20 minutes each day to read a book specifically chosen according to their individual ability. We encourage reading for a minimum of 20 minutes at home each day.
We love writing in P5 and study a wide range of writing genres; instructions, recounts and persuasive writing. We focus in detail on writing fiction and how to create an inspiring character, setting and plot.
There are plenty of opportunities to develop our talking and listening skills with a weekly partner or group talking and listening activity.
P5 numeracy builds on all the fabulous work done in Key Stage 1. We use a wide range of teaching and learning methods to develop the children's confidence in all areas of numeracy.
Our priorities are:
- developing speedy recall of our times tables up to 12 x 12
- improving mental arithmetic skills
- Understanding place value up to 10,000
- Interpreting and solving mathematical problems