

Primary 6


The P6 teacher is Mrs Kirkpatrick and the classroom assistant is Mrs Smiley. P6 is a very busy year with lots of opportunities for new learning experiences and there are lots of new concepts in Literacy and Numeracy to take on board. In P6, we try to make the learning fun with lots of practical activities and games and now we are that little bit older, we like to carry out research of new topics.

P6 Topics  

Our topics in Primary 6 are very exciting!

We learn lots of subjects through our topics and connect our learning. 

Our topics for the year are:

  • The Rainforest
  • Famous Historical Figures
  • Islam
  • Titanic
  • Natural Disasters 

The World Around Us

All our topic work is carried out through ‘The World Around Us. We enjoy carrying out research on the iPads or at the computer suite to find out more about the world in which we live. We love carrying out experiments and are able to ensure that we carry out fair tests and record our experiments in our topic books. 

In order to bring our topics to life, we always try to fit in an educational trip to provide our pupils with a more enriching experience. Some of our trips include The Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens and Titanic Belfast. 




We love to read in Primary Six and our teacher makes sure we have lots of books to read. In school we love using the Accelerated Reader Programme. The children are given 20 minutes in school each day to read a book specifically chosen according to their individual reading ability, carry out book quizzes and change their AR book.  We encourage reading for a minimum of 20 minutes at home each day. In P6 we read a range of class novels such as Matilda, My Story- Titanic, The Explorer and Kensuke's Kingdom and carry out a range of activities relating to these. 

We are brilliant writers and we try to link writing activities to our topics or class novels. In P6 we write reports on the Rainforest,  letters of complaint about deforestation, character descriptions, create brochures for the Titanic and lots more. We use drama throughout our literacy using hot seating, freeze frames, tableau and conscience alley through our novels.

We love to carry out talking and listening activities – we show our classmates our work and all take different roles within our groups.



Maths is fun in Primary Six. We enjoy lots of practical maths activities and games and we carry out lots of problem solving activities.  In P6 we learn lots of new concepts such as percentages and how percentages link to decimals and fractions. We learn all about angles and learn how to measure angles using a protractor. We also learn how to work out the area and perimeter of regular and irregular shape. We try to link maths to real life situations and solve problems related to these. We also enjoy learning outdoors and we are developing our learning of maths through outdoor maths trails.  


We love our time in the ICT suite and we learn to use a variety of programmes such as Word, PowerPoint and Scratch. We try to link our ICT projects to our topics such as making brochures for the Titanic topic and PowerPoints for the rainforest topic. We create animations using Scratch and also love to use the different apps on the iPads. 



We all love art in P6 and we enjoy working with a range of media in both 2D and 3D.  We study famous artists like Henri Rosseau and  Monet and enjoy working with paint, charcoal and pastels. We create 3D rainforests to show the layers as well as making rainforest masks and 3D volcanoes. 



Everyone in P6 follows the Grow in Love Programme  and we enjoy talking about our religious similarities and differences through R.E.  We also learn about different religions around the world with our main focus on the Muslim faith.